The Empowered Entrepreneur (Business Plan Workshop) by Alyssa A Hogan Enterprise

This is what Alyssa Hogan is saying about helping you achieve your business dreams “I am so passionate about helping you reach your fullest potential. Let’s grow beyond our dreams and create a successful plan and strategy to get there. This workshop will take you through the step-by-step process of developing a business plan. Launching a new business? 

If you are an existing business owner looking for investors but struggling to produce a quality strategy, plan, or presentation? Have a great concept but no one is biting? Let me help you put your best foot forward by presenting statistics, strategies and a marketing plan they cannot ignore. I will help you create a business plan that will get the necessary attention it needs.

At the completion of this workshop, you should be able to: 

*Understand the importance of a business plan.

*Identify the elements of a business plan such as target market, strategies, marketing plan, financial plan and more.

*Write a business plan.

But I have to be honest with you entrepeneurship is not easy. It required work and proper planning.

It’s possible but it requires the right mindset.

It takes intention.

It takes learning.

Are you Ready and Committed to Acting? This workshop is for You!!”

If unable to attend, schedule a FREE strategy session

At The Addison at Universal Boulevard Apartments you can take what you learned and execute your business plan in our work studio spaces!